The Renaud Adoption Adventure
Justin and Becca
Rolla, Missouri
If we had all day, we'd love to sit down and tell you about our adoption journey. We'd tell you about the place Becca's always had in her heart for the orphaned children--when she was growing up, her Barbie house was an orphanage for lonely G.I. Joes and cast-off yard sale toys. We'd tell you about Justin's changed heart as he visited children's homes in the Philippines and then India.
But we just have a few paragraphs. So we’ll sum up our adoption journey in this way: we believe that God has called us to parent a daughter, and she is living somewhere in India right now. This adoption process has already been an adventure, of experiencing and falling in love with the people of India, surrendering to God’s will and timing for our family, and unifying our hearts to pursue the dream of adoption that He placed there.
Initially, we struggled with the idea of asking for help with our adoption, but here’s where we landed:
Often, our belief that we can do things on our own--that we are solely responsible for this journey--is wrapped up in a sense of pride in our abilities and a desire to be independent. We’ve already seen God’s hand in using other people to help us on this journey. It’s not about us.
If we were to do it all on our own--even if we were physically, emotionally, and financially able--we would be taking away the joy someone else feels in helping us. God has called us to live in community with one another, and we want our community to be a part of this journey with us.
We’re so excited that we’ve made it to this point in the process, and we look forward to the day when we meet our daughter and bring her home. Thank you for your part in our adventure. If you’d like to receive updates, you can follow our Facebook group for updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/renaudadoption/
1 Family Update
Heather Napier
Love your Hearts and just the way you are! Here's a little help from your Ohio family!
Kim Burkett
Kelly Robinson
Cindy Gommel
May God bless all of you as you go through this process!
Brendon Fox
Toni Hawkes
Emily McQuillan
God Bless You!
Jessica Spellman
Megan Clay
We're Team Renaud, for sure.
Dakota and Joni Stoops
Katie Morgan
Monica Guggenberger
Emily Buckley
Ish Keener
Lauren Renaud
Jana Cook
Can't wait to meet your sweet little girl!
Maddy Jones
Can't wait to meet her. So excited for you guys!
Donna Jouett
God bless your family!
Brandon and Lajoie Rekus
We are so very happy for you guys! Looking forward to the newest Renaud blessing!!
Chris & Casie Wilkins
We are so excited for your family! Blessings, prayers & love.
Janice & Justin Webb
Very excited for you to become a six family & looking forward to learning more about your sweet daughter!
Lucas & Tamra Redburn
Kendra Jeffery
Very happy for you all!
Juliet Maylee
Noone can pretend to always know what God has planned, but sometimes he points in a direction and tells you to take steps, so we listen and go.
Jerry & Laura Renaud
You guys are great!
Robyn Strange
Good luck and God bless your family. I want to meet your daughter when she comes to live with you.
Andy & Amy Eldredge
I'm proud of you guys!
Joshua & Jackie Sanders
Josh and Margaret Feit
Praying with you as God leads you down this amazing journey.
Charla Jamison
I had a number in mind - called Jeremy to discuss - he had the same number in mind. God is blessing this adoption all around :)
Brooke and Seth Molenhour
So excited for you all!! Prayers!!
Duane and Tina Simmons
Karrie Cunningham
Kerry Crowley
Mandy Miller
We love you guys. We are praying for that sweet little girl. We can't wait to meet her. Love Justin, Mandy, Brittany, Austin
Lesley Meyerott
Lori Martin
Our prayers are with you.
Good luck to your family and cherish that sweet girl!
Courtney Brandt
I've enjoyed watching your story unfold. Praying for many more blessings to come your way!
Carla Huskey
Dallas and Rita Wells
Joel & Gabrielle Nisbett
Amanda Wiggins
What a truly blessed family you will be!!! She will be such a lucky little girl to get to join your family!!! And Becca, so glad you did reach on out on FB. I know sharing feelings and asking for help is not easy, but it sure does make for some pretty amazing moments!
Nicole Routh
Chrissy Adams
I am excited for you all! Can't wait to meet her. :)
Jennifer Heincker
Much love and many prayers to your beautiful family!
Joe & Sarah Herdade
Praying for your family!
We received a referral for a 7-year-old girl in April and are so excited to have a name and face to pray and hope for. We're also anxiously awaiting the day when we are able to bring her home. We are currently awaiting a second court date and praying that the judge will review and rule on the case. We are hoping to become a family of 6 sooner rather than later and would really appreciate your support.