Making a Dream Come True... Creating a Forever Family
Katherine and Katherine
CUMMING, Georgia
When I was in her twenties I was diagnoised with polysistic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis. For the next ten years I went through thirteen surgeries to try to help improve my quality of life. All the while I graduated from Auburn, moved to to Birmingham and worked with children who had been taken away from their parents for some sort of abuse. Then the pain became too much and I moved back to Columbus. I went back to college to get my BS in Education, Master's in Education and Specialist in Education.
I finally had to decide whether to be in pain or to have a hysterectomy. I tried to save my eggs but the endometriosis had destroyed them.(I wanted to harvest them so I could use them later. ) So I decided to go ahead and have a hysterectomy. It was very emotional and my gynocologist sat and cried with me because he had done everything he could to save my eggs. He knew how much I wanted to be a mommy.I picked myself up and went on with my life, becoming an excellent teacher, a wonderful aunt and a trying to be a wonderful role model for my students.
Through all of this, I kept my faith that God would let me be a mommy when it was the right time. Well, after many prayers, the time has come for me to become a mommy. On October 10th, I recieved the news I had only dreamed and prayed about, that I had been matched with a birthmother. I flew out to meet her and just fell in love with her. She was perfect! I have raised over half of the money for the adoption. I am still needing the last payment. I am a single women in her 40's and am so close to my forever family. I would like to thank you in advance for your prayers and donations.