Krusiewicz Family Embryo Adoption
Christina and Kevin
Trabuco Canyon, CA
The Krusiewicz adventure began on November 3rd, 2002 on a beautiful fall day. Within four years, Kevin and I had welcomed 2 precious boys into our family and bought a condo to raise them in. Uncertain as to our future and living on a single salary in SoCal, we made a choice to prevent further babies...a decision we've deeply regretted ever since. A bit over 4 years ago, we flew to Texas for a reversal to see if the Lord would allow us to grow our family naturally. It was not to be.
We looked into fostering/adopting, but felt the prospect of having to love and then say goodbye to any children we welcomed into our home would be too painful and tumultuous for us. We'd heard of embryonic adoptions but didn't know much about the whole process. In August of 2019, after hours of conversations between one another and Nightlight Adoption Agency, we filed out our application and started the journey of welcoming more children into our family! At 41 and 40, Kevin and I never expected to be starting completely over again. But we serve a God of redemption, and He has called us to this new adventure despite it representing a significant pivot.
We are finished with our home study and are currently awaiting a match with a donor family. We covet your prayers and financial support as this requires a ton of faith in many ways. We estimate all costs to be around $20-30K ... less than IVF, but still a handsome number.
Below you'll find our video story and all the updates as this story progress. We'd love to keep you in the loop as we move closer to bringing our babies home.

0 Family Updates
Seth Gruber
Tamika Bassman
Seth Gruber
Love you guys!