Hoping to be the forever family for a waiting child!
Dawn and Shane
Tillamook, Oregon
When Shane and I got together we were not thinking about adding more children to our story. Both previously married we each brought our own set of children into our relationship and at the time our hearts were full. A few years into our relationship we were asked to take in a developmentally disabled foster child due to my experience in the field. That is when our love for helping children in need began. Since that time we have helped quite a few children that have needed a stable and loving home. We continue to have foster children in our home today and watching them thrive and feel secure in their environment is something that is very important to both of us. Adoption has always been an option for us but we began further looking into it when I was drawn to a Facebook post on Nightlights page. Once finding their page we began looking through the pages of the children who are waiting for forever homes and once we saw this child’s post we knew it was meant to be. We would love nothing more than to be a forever home for this very special - special needs child who is waiting for a forever home.
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Colleen Hickam
Best of luck