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Hello, my name is Sarah. I am a special education teacher and my husband is a dispatcher. We have an 8-year-old son and 2 dogs who we love very much. After struggling to get pregnant with our son and then struggling to get pregnant again, I found out I had endometrial cancer. After going through experimental treatment to try to get pregnant again and unfortunately failing, I had to have a hysterectomy due to my cancer returning. Since we can no longer have a biological child, but still very much want to have another child for us and a sibling for our son, my husband and I would like to adopt a little baby. The money we receive will go to helping us pay for adoption fees such as hiring an agency, lawyer fees, travel fees, and birth mother financial fees.

We are currently in the process of waiting to be matched with a birthmother via our adoption agency and are working on saving money as we know how much adoption costs. 

My husband and I have joined AdoptionBridge in hopes of being able to raise money to help pay for the costs that come with the adoption like birthmother supports, lawyer fees, renewals of documents, and any other fees that may arise during the process.

If you would like to learn more about our family please visit our facebook page SarahandVal Adoption.

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