Friends of Alison (China)
Alison and Family
Lancaster, Kentucky
Dear Friends of Alison
Alison has been in the United States for the past 6 months. Her children are enrolled in a private Christian school in Kentucky and she came to spend some time with them. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, her flights have been canceled numerous times and the cost of living is much higher here in the US than in China. Further, her children's tuition increases each year and her husband, Winston, left his job to become a full-time student in the seminary. This has caused a tight financial situation for their family.
Some of the family's current needs include:
- Alison is required to pay an annual payment for her Social Security and basic medical insurance in China. The amount due is US$4000 payable as soon as she returns to China.
- Alison is also in need of a new computer as the one she currently has is 8 years old and has gotten extremely slow. She does not have the funds to purchase at this time.
- Wifi and cell phone costs are approximately $100 each month while in the US.
- Food, gasoline, car insurance, toiletries,
Currently, it does not look as if she can return to China until August.
Alison truly values this opportunity for her two children to receive a Christian education. The children value it as well and both work extremely hard. She and her husband both knew the sacrifices they were making when these major life decisions were made.
Alison receives a monthly payment from Nightlight; however, with travel being halted and very little movement on the China adoption side of things, she is not receiving any payment related to LOAs that arrive or the time she puts in to make travel accommodations for families traveling to China.
We realize this is a difficult time for many people but knew there were so many of you who love Alison and would want to support her and her family through these difficult times caused by the pandemic. If you are able to help, your donation will be tax deductible.
Thank you!
1 Family Update
Bob, Brie, Koren, and Autumn Kotowski
Without Alison we never would have got our 2 children.
Kristin Wooten
Bopha Gambill
Dana Poynter
Heather Riley
Jodie Cremean
Lori Benson
Myra DeLuca
Lisa Lumpkins
We love you aunty Allison! You’ll always be very special to my family. You always went far beyond what you had to do for your job obligations.And we’re always so loving and helpful. And never left us without having prayer. Be blessed as you have blessed so many of us by your kindness and love for Jesus!
Shawn Donelon
Hi Alison! We still treasure our time with you traveling in China! Hope all is well with you and your family! Shawn and Greg Dowd
David Lewis
Hugh Burgess
Thank you so much for helping us through the adoption process in 2016! We will keep you all in prayer!
Noel Krive
God Bless you Alison, we just celebrated 3 years with our son Paul. This would not have been possible without you!! Times are tough for many of us, but we still want to show our support and love to your family. Stay safe. Krive family
Sammi Hatfield
Alison, we love you! I wish we had known you were here! We’d love to see you!
Tonya Cooper
Mary & Roger Coombs
Love you Alison!
Margo Monteith
Anne Champion
We love Alison and enjoyed working with her!
Dara Nelson
Lisa & Mark McKenna
Sending you and your family love during this challenging time! Thank you for all you’ve done!
christy turner
Hey Allison!! We traveled a little more than five years ago to get out daughter, Lily, Chinese name Guo Jia Li, you treated us very well! Love and prayers for your sweet family!
Jolynn Gray
We will pray for you Allison!
Brandi Stiff
Allison you made our journey to Jack so much easier. Our time with you was so special to us. There is no way to repay that. We’re praying for your journey here.
Karen Moore
Alison, the work you are doing is life changing to the families and the adopted children!!! Our son Mitchell (home almost 5 years) is the biggest blessing to our family! Hugs to you and your family. Karen & Cody Moore
Justin James
Julianne VandeWater
We love you Alison,Winston, Jessica, and Jerry!
Joanie Zwerling
We have so many fond memories of our time with Alison eight years ago. Tomorrow is our Gotcha Day with our precious daughter, Mia. When she heard about this need she wanted to donate all of her savings. Thank You, Jesus, for more than enough!!!
Karen Gilsdorf
Angela Wilkins
Rachel Ramirez
You and your family are in our prayers, Alison. We appreciate all that you have done for us during our stay in China and are so blessed to have Ariana in our lives. Please take care. God bless! Love, The Ramirez Family
Ryan and Alicia Fedell
Thank you, Alison, for all that you do!
Laura Declercq
We were blessed by our time with Alison. We continue to think about and pray for her family.
Robert Gavigan
Tracy and I have fond memories of our time with Alison during the adoption of our daughter In China 8 years ago. She told us that Sophie (2 years old at the time) was Spicy! Sophie turns 11 next month and she continues to be a spicy girl with a bright future. Thanks for all you do Alison.
Rodney Young
We pray you and your family are doing well, Alison! We think of you often. May God bless you! In Christ's Love, Rodney, Andrea, and Rachel Young (Nov 2007 Travel Group)
Diane Hara
In honor of Mia Zwerling!
Emily Sevits
Jessica and Nathan Goodpaster
Alison, I'll never forget you finding me a Coca-Cola at the Forbidden City when I was not feeling well! My son Jack still talks about the pineapple frozen treat from there, too. Thank you for all you did to help bring our sweet Lucy home! We appreciate you and are happy to help someone who was so crucial to growing our family.
Jay Lakhani
Nathan Shaw
Hi, Alison. We so appreciated your help with Noah's adoption. Praying for you and wishing you well! Blessings, Nathan and Jennifer Shaw
Erin Wallett
Michael Hedges
Allan Goldberg
Hi Alison and family. We met Alison in Beijing January 2014 right before we were meeting our daughter for the first time. She could not have been a better host and really helped our family feel comfortable with her great care. Praying for your wonderful family in the journey you are on. Love the Goldbergs.
Dustin Hammock
James Hutton
Hello Alison and family! We hope you all are doing well! Thank you for all you did for us while we were in China the first time! We had a great time the second time too. :) Love, The Hutton Family
Chuck and Cindy Stallard
Hello , our good friend and sister in Christ. Cindy and I are thinking and praying for you and your family. Our heart and home is always open to you! We love you! Oh, Wade is doing well. He is growing into a fine young man. You played a significant role in his life.
Darcy Reagle
Alison! To this day, you hold a very special place in our family's heart -- So hard to believe it has been 15 years! Your faith made a lasting impression on our heart and we loved hearing your update and how you are passing this legacy on through your family! Many blessings!! -The Reagles
Brad and Sandra Brittenham
Alison, You hold a very special place in our hearts as well. Your kindness, competence, and heart to serve helped make our adoption journey a wonderful experience. Your love for Jesus made all the difference. Praying for you and your family. Brad, Sandra, Anna, and Elliana Brittenham (July 2007)
Daniel Davies
Sara Scantlin
Kelly Alcala
Dear friends and families,
It is like seeing your faces when I saw the names and words that Dana forwarded to me, some of you are old friends over 10 years, some of you are new friends, some of you I even not remember or never met(but God remembers)…I don’t know if I will see you again on earth but will see you definitely in heaven. Thank y’all for showing your love , kindness and generosity to me and my family while you may be facing your own hardships!
Thanks also go to staff and the leadership of Nightlight, for they are trying to help me and my family even though they have their own difficulties in this special historical moment!
While I am writing this, my tears just can’t stop because I feel so blessed to live in a love-filled community! It’s a great joy and comfort to see the love flowing and spreading from you to me, and from little Mia Zwerling! My heart is melted and deeply touched when I read the message from her mom, what an encouragement to see a little girl giving all her savings generously! Many a time, I witnessed lives changed by adoption, including us adults, this is the meaning of adoption and the comfort, faith and hope it brought continue to empower us and keep us going.
We love America! Americans occupy a special place in my heart, I was adopted into the home of Christ through the missionaries from USA, and I am still influenced and built up by many of them today. The world is changing rapidly, but the true love never changes, it keeps spreading among his beloved people who bear the image of Christ, I witnessed it today.
We are thankful that God has been providing for me and my family up to now, we have place to live and we have food to eat. We feel so rich by living in LOVE! Thank God for unfolding His love to us through you all and enfolding me and my family in this eternal Love! However, this is a difficult time throughout the world, we have noticed many people are in bigger needs, we are willing to overcome difficulties together! My husband was a furniture designer with experiences over 20 years before he left his job. It won’t be hard for him to find a part-time job to support our family. So we would like your dedication of love to go to a foundation of Nightlight for supporting the other adoptive family or an orphan, let all of us continue to enrich the adoption story and bless more souls. (We have forwarded the money to Alison even though she asked me to keep it).
I have experienced rich spiritual grace these two days, you may never realize how much you blessed this world, this story will be told and this love will be spread in many places! Finally, Can I humbly request that you continue to kindly pray for me and my family, pray for my husband’s study and ministry, we serve because we love GOD!
Alison and family