Faith filled and Hopeful
Hello. My name is Windy, I am on this journey as a single mother by choice. This past year and a half has been quite the journey and I am so thankful and blessed that I have made it out on the other side. Last year, 2023 I decided to move forward to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother. Of course not everyones journey looks the same, I had planned to do IVF with my eggs and a donor to create embryos and have a baby. After several rounds of IVF I found out that my egg quality was not good and I would not be able to have biological children, on top of that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I went to see an oncologist who told me his decision would be to do a complete hysterectomy. I couldn't believe that this would be the plan God had for me so I decided against that option. I decided to do treatment in hopes of treating the cancer instead, and said a lot of prayers. This involved taking a lot of hormones to cancel out what caused this cancer as well as biopsies, an emotional rollercoaster and a lot of hard fought faith. I knew God had something better. This year I had a biopsy and it came back completely negative of cancer. I am now cancer free! I have been given the blessing and gift of going back to my fertility doctor and continuing on with an embryo adoption. I am so excited that God has given me such an amazing opportunity to try again to become a mommy, but even more so that I will be blessed with a precious embryo that has been donated to make me a mommy and to allow me to give this beautiful baby life. What God has done through this past year has been so amazing and watching Him move through all of this I have learned as the doors continue to open that this is the path meant for me. One thing I learned is that God can't be put in a box, He is capable of far greater things than we can imagine as long as we have Faith, Hope, and open our hearts to Him big miracles can happen.
I chose to use adoption bridge because while I have been saving for this in hopes that the doors will continue to open and that this blessing will happen, a lot of the funds are due right away as each process takes place and that can be challenging. I truly believe that if this is God's plan for me, I know that He will send the right people to be a blessing and help me to fulfill this dream. I will be so greatful for anything ones heart is willing to give. Blessings and thank you.
0 Family Updates
Amber, Carlos and Ezekiel Espinoza
We know you will make an incredible mother!! Continued prayers for God’s will to be done! We love you!
Brandon Arriaga
Love you, sis 😊
Priscila Ortiz
You got this! I love you! 💗
God will provide!
Mercedes Patee
God bless your womb!!!