$19,998 goal
$350 raised so far
1.8% raised
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We are hoping to offset some adoption costs by using AdoptionBridge.  Adoption is very expensive.  All donations are tax deductible.

We met in 2009, and got married in 2015.  We always knew that we wanted kids but did not know what route would be best for us.  We considered foster care, surrogacy, domestic, and international adoption.  We considered all ages as well.  The summer of 2023 is when we realized that we really wanted to adopt older kids.  After a ton of research, we found an organization that offered summer and winter hosting.  We decided to host in the summer.  The hosting experience from the summer of 2023 changed our lives forever.  The organization that offered hosting was Kidsave.  Kidsave matched us up with two brothers from Colombia.  V (14 years old) and A (11 years old).  V and A stayed in our home for five weeks.  These two boys were the perfect fit for our family.  We knew they completed the missing puzzle pieces in our lives.  At the end of the five week hosting program, we had to say goodbye to V and A as they headed back to Colombia.  

Those five weeks were the most fun and fulfilling weeks of our lives. V is an athletic boy who loves soccer.  A is an artistic boy that loves art and music.  While V and A were visiting us in Cicero, they went to summer camp, swam, camped, hiked, visited an amusement park, and had lazy days hanging out at home with us.  

We hope to bring V and A home to Cicero and welcome them into our family.

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Kristina Trevino

We’re so excited for your growing family! We love you!

Charlie Weidenburner

From Charlie and Nicole. Super excited for you guys!

Megan W

Karin VanVleet

Wishing nothing but the best!!