Abundance of Love
Mike and Kristin
Ladson, South Carolina
The Seaver 7 have exciting news! We are thrilled to announce that after much prayer and counsel, we are growing our family through the adoption of a little boy from the country of Colombia in South America. We are so tremendously blessed with a large family, and with that size comes a ton of love and care to offer a child in need of a family. Our girls all join us in desire and excitement to pursue bringing home a little brother (or two if there is a sibling group that God has for us!)
We have had adoption on our hearts for over a decade. Recently we all have felt that the Lord is leading us to pursue adoption of a Hispanic child. Colombia is a beautiful country with many children in need of a forever family. As we step forward in faith to bring our future son home, we are grateful for you partnering with us in the process!
0 Family Updates
Lucy Seaver5524
Ryan Mellinger
Congrats, this is exciting! Praying all goes well with the addition to your family.
Michelle Earl
Very much spurred on by your faith as you desire to step out into this grand calling of adoption. All the Earls' are praying and asking God alongside you to provide, for HE IS ABLE TO DO abundantly more than we can ever ask or think.
ken delage
We love you guys. May God use this to build your family as well as His. Ken & Tiff
George and Kathleen Dallas
We have 2 adopted boys from the Marshall Islands. They are God's blessings to us. We are honored to support your adoption plans now and into the future. Praise God George and Kathleen Dallas
Bob Kauflin
So excited for this opportunity for you all! Thank you for being a shining example of the Father's heart!
John McLeod
May God bless your family and prepare all of you for this great endeavor. May He richly supply all your needs.
Mike & Kristen, We are blessed to have the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful journey of adoption. We'll be praying for you. Look forward to updates.
Daniel Baker
God bless you guys! It's a big step, but I know you'll thrive in it. Daniel
Martha Avila
I am grateful to God to be able to experience His promise of a son to you. Love and blessings always.
Collin Papke
We can wait for the pitter patter or should I say the running and screaming of another little Seaver next door!
Carolina Jordan
Seaver family, We are praying for you as you walk the path of adoption. Y’all know how dearly this is to our hearts and even more since the adoption will be from Colombia. We can’t wait to meet your new addition/s to your family :-) May our Heavenly Father gives you wisdom, patience, and extra love as you continue your adoption journey. Sincerely, The Jordan Family Adam, Carolina & Juan
Matthew Williams
Thank you for your example of loving the least of these! Aliza and I are excited for you.
DJ Purviance
We're so excited for your new child! What an impact your family has had on our life. We pray to have the same aroma of Christ everywhere we go - much love to you all. We miss you, DJ & Josh
Robert and Valerie Wright
Matt + MC
We are praying for you all and so excited for God being glorified through you all in this way!
Josh Baer
Mike and Kristin understand God's deep love for orphans and are living out a beautiful reflection of the gospel with this adoption. Can't wait to see how this unfolds!
Julie Augspurger
How exciting for a new addition to the Seaver family! Thankful to play a small part in this process with you all from afar. Will continue to pray for smooth transition for your family over the upcoming months.
Dennis Kleber
MaryAnn Roberts
I heard about your adoption through Matthew Williams, and am excited to hear how God uses you in this little boy's life. I'd love to adopt one day, but for the mean time, it's fun to pray for and support people who are doing it now!
Adam Spurlock
Love you guys! Adam
We are so excited for the new addition to your family! What an awesome everyday example of God's adoption of us into his family!