A GORGEOUS Adoption Journey
Peter and Mariann
Houston, TX
We met each other at the University of Houston and were college sweethearts. We dated for seven years and have been married for eight years now. We always desired to have children, but have struggled with unkonwn inferlity. In our waiting, we continue to be actively serving in the church and community, while longing to start a family. With prayer and peace in our hearts, we decided on adoption. We look forward to loving our adopted child unconditionally and raising them to know the love of God. I (Mariann) am excited to teach my child how to bake and cook, while Peter eagerly anticipates playing sports and games with him/her. We want to graciously provide for our child, so that they are comfortable and cared for. Our hope is to give our child the opportunity to live his/her fullest potential. We are grateful for the love and support of our family and friends to help make this wish possible. It's like the old proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child." We are praying for our special child that God has planned for us. This is our Gorgeous adoption journey.