Zach & Shawna (2095848)
Hello! Our names are Zach and Shawna, and we are thankful to have the chance to introduce ourselves to you and share a little about us. We both love children, in fact it was our love for coaching and mentoring youth that led us to begin dating! Although we haven’t been able to have any of our own, we have so much love to give and are very excited and hopeful that we might be able to provide that to a child through adoption. We understand the importance of the decision you are considering and want to express our deepest respect for you, your courage, strength, and obvious love for your child. A couple fun facts about us: our home is filled with laughter, dog kisses, lots of comfortable blankets for cuddling on the couch, and the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! If you select us, your child will be surrounded by a loving and supportive community. They will be loved, cared for, and encouraged to play, explore, learn, and grow! We live in a small town in Southern California, close to the mountains and the beach and family. It's a community where everyone knows each other, and we love the sense of belonging it brings. The decision to adopt was not made lightly and we have spent a lot of time in prayer, talking with each other, and in self-reflection to get to the place we are now. We love the idea of creating a loving home for a child and we are so excited about the opportunity to share our lives and love with a little one. We recognize the incredible privilege it is to be entrusted with the care and nurturing of a child. Adoption, for us, is a beautiful way to expand our family and offer a warm, supportive environment for a child to thrive. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us more, and if you choose us, we hope you know that we will love your child unconditionally, make them feel safe, comfortable, supported, and cared for. We are committed to staying in touch, sharing updates, and creating a supportive and respectful relationship that benefits everyone involved. Your selflessness and love in considering adoption for your child are truly admirable, and we are humbled by the opportunity to be considered as potential parents. If we are chosen, we promise to cherish, love, pray for, and support your child with every fiber of our beings, creating a home filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.
All of our love, Zach and Shawna
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