Tyler & Sarah
Greetings from Maine!
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at our profile and get to know us. We believe that everything happens for a reason and that adoption was meant to be apart of our life. When Tyler was a teenager, he and his girlfriend experienced an unexpected pregnancy and navigated the adoption process, connecting their precious child with her forever family. We now find ourselves in a similar position, extending the same heartfelt offering to another. We know the gravity of the decision before you, and admire your courage.
We've spent the last 18 years building memories with each other and our extended family, and now we look forward to making new memories as parents. We love spending time outdoors, whether it’s relaxing on our pontoon boat or spending time at our family camp; bonfires, hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, snowmobiling etc. We hope to provide countless opportunities for our child to build life-long memories of family get togethers, fishing trips, vacations, weekends at camp and holiday gatherings.
We live in a small rural waterfront community in Maine, just outside the city. Our saltbox home is located on 6 acres; we have a large garden and wild berries growing all over our property. Our home is the go-to place for family gatherings and holidays. As teachers, we understand the patience, effort, and positive reinforcement that is required to help nurture children into confident and capable adults. As a perk, we also have over 15 weeks of vacation a year, so we get to spend a lot of time with friends and family. They are beyond excited for this journey that we’re on!
We believe that Tyler’s experience with adoption as a teenager, and our experience with infertility happened for a reason; it has all brought us here. If you feel a connection to us, it’s for a reason. We can assure you that if you choose us as your child’s forever family, your child will be showered with love and will know the amazing journey that led them to where they are. Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. If you would like to get to know us more, or have any questions, please reach out.
With Love,
Tyler and Sarah
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