Mark & Allison 2092625
Dear Birthmother,
We first want you to know that you are loved and valued by so many for your bravery. We can’t imagine the difficult decisions that have led you to possibly choosing adoption, and we can’t begin to know your feelings during this process, but what we do know is that we’re so thankful for your strength in choosing life for your baby. We admire, love and respect you. Should you choose us as the family for your child, we would love an open relationship with you at your comfort level. You will always have a place in our family and in your child’s life. Being a part of your child’s life is very important to us and we know it will be important to them as they grow up.
We met in Colorado after secretly liking each other online for four years, and we’ve been married now for 11 years. Although we don’t have any children yet, we both come from loving, close families, so having children has always been a desire close to our hearts. We’ve talked about wanting to adopt ever since we were dating! While our path to get here hasn’t always been fast or easy, we so excited to finally be parents. Mark enjoys lots of outdoor activities; biking, hiking, taking care of our yard, grilling, and golfing. He really cares about our neighbors and community and will jump in to help someone out wherever he can. Allison enjoys jogging, hiking, reading, getting together with friends, and cooking. We both volunteer on Sundays at our church and are involved with a weekly life group. We live in Texas, close to Mark’s family and Allison has family in Michigan. Both families are super supportive and have been praying for us and you! Mark is a Hardware Engineer for an electric vehicle company and Allison works as a Proofreader for a chain of health food stores.
If chosen, we promise to raise your child in a loving home where he or she feels safe, encouraged, and celebrated. We promise to teach your child about the love you have for him or her and the sacrifices you’ve made. We promise to create an environment of openness where we have conversations throughout life about you and adoption so your child feels comfortable asking questions about his or her background and heritage. Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile. Whatever your decision is, we know that you are making it in the best interest for you and your child. If given the chance, we would love nothing more than to establish a relationship with you and walk with you on this path. We want you to know that we are praying for you and asking God for His guidance, protection and peace over you.
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