$3,000 goal
$1,370 raised so far
45.7% raised
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Hi! My name is Kristi. Being a mom was the one thing I always knew I wanted to be, even from an early age. Proverbs says “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps”. I’ve never felt that verse to be more true in my life than it has been as I have pursued becoming a mom. In early 2021 I decided to start my journey to motherhood by starting IVF. I thought by that time in my life I would have found the man I wanted to spend my life with and have children with but God hasn’t brought him into my life yet. I’m still praying and believing that God will bring the right man into my life but, due to being 38 at the time, I decided to start looking into having a baby on my own. I went through two rounds of IVF and was blessed with three little embryos. Due to my age, my doctor wanted me to have the embryos tested and we found out that the two embryos from my first round of IVF were both boys and one was healthy and one was considered abnormal. Unfortunately, both of my pregnancies were lost around the 5-week mark. My doctor ran more tests however all my blood work still shows that I’m very healthy and there is no reason why I should have lost the babies. This is when he suggested I look into embryo adoption because it would give me the chance of getting pregnant with an embryo formed from a younger/healthier egg.

I had never heard of embryo adoption before so this was something exciting and gave me hope. After praying a lot, doing my research, and grieving the babies I lost, I decided embryo adoption was the right path for me to take to pursue having a child. I have always felt like I have this longing inside of me to adopt and now knowing that I get to adopt embryos and give them a chance at life is something greater than I could have imagined. I am so excited to become a mother this way and see how these little sparks of life turn into beautiful babies, each with their own little personalities.

I'm raising money for the adoption because as you can imagine...adoption is expensive and after all the costs I incurred with IVF I could use the the extra support to help my dream of having a family come true.  Thank you so much for your support and donation!  I truly appreciate it!

Nicole Ptacek

Kristi, you are going to be such an amazing mom! Sending all the good vibes you get matched soon!

Melanie Yeo-Gunter

Wishing you the best!!

Marisol Garcia Luyckx

Super excited for you, Kristi!!!

Ashley Brennan

I can’t wait to see your growing family! You are going to be an amazing mom.

Anna Hess

You are such a remarkable woman! I am so thankful for you allowing us to follow this journey of yours! Sending you so much love through this exciting process <3

Jennifer Hultquist

Love this and so happy for you!! 🥰❤️

Sue Gold

Praying for a successful journey and looking forward to celebrating motherhood with you!!

Mandy Riedinger

So excited for you and these days ahead! Praying for you and sending lots of love!

Julianne Zamora

My heart is overflowing with excitement for you as you embark on this new journey. God's goodness surrounds us always, and our prayers will be constant companions for you along the way!

Tasha Theall

Hoping you get matched quickly!

Eugene Sheeren

Kristi, you will make a great mom.

Joy Brasington

Praying for you and the baby that God will provide. Thank you for sharing this journey ❤️🙏🏼🤗

Emily Simmons

This could not have happened to a better human. Excited to follow you along this journey.

Kaley Davis

Love you love you LOVE YOU!!! Beyond excited for this wonderful news! This is your year mama!! Xoxo


Best wishes and prayers for a beautiful adoption journey!

Ben Green

Wishing you the best! Super excited for you!! -Ann + Ben Green + Optimize IS

Lindsey Snider

Vicki Piontek

God bless you for your decision to do Embryo adoption.