waitingforbabyg Family ID 359457
Kaley and Joe
Magnolia, Mississippi
At a young age the Lord put the desire of adoption in our hearts. After three years of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant we knew the Lord was calling us to pursue the desire He gave us many, many years ago. We know without any doubt the Lord has called us to adopt, and we rejoice even now that He grants the desires of our hearts. The Lord is our ultimate provider and we know that if He calls us to do something He will be faithful in funding the resources necessary. One way we believe the Lord chooses to provide is through the generous givings of others. We ourselves have been able to give to other adoption fundraisers for our friends through this organization and we believe no gift is too small. Should you choose to help aide in the last remaining amount of our adoption we would be grateful. But above all we covet your prayers for the birthparents and baby.
Joe & Kaley
0 Family Updates
Brittany Watson
I wish we were able to give so much more!!!! Praying for you guys!
Melanie Magee
Given in love for BabyG!!
Melanie Keefe
Praying for you and Baby G
Allyson Moore
Praying for you always. Can't wait to see baby G in your arms!
The Tompkins
Clinton Wilcoxen
We hope this helps! Love you guys. Merry Christmas. Love, A&C.
Tera Wethington
Praying for you all!!!!
Kimi Bailey
Can wait until your arms are full!