Andrew and Kaylen
Springfield, Missouri
"Things don't have to go as planned to be good", is an accurate description of our life's journey. As two city kids growing up in Las Vegas, NV we would have never guessed we would wind up settling down in small town, Midwest America. Ten years ago, we met through friends. Neither of us expected to meet someone when we did, but it was a love-at-first sight experience and the rest as they say is history. We desired to adopt even before we were married, and knew our family would grow from blended beginnings.
Our family believes so strongly in the mission of adoption: that children belong in families. In addition to being a family for children, we hope to extend love to our child's first family. We look forward to having an open and welcoming relationship with our child's biological relatives. I love the saying, " family trees are planted in orchards", because adoption is a small part of something greater. We are parenting our two year old biological daughter. She is so excited to become a sister! We have a large, multicultural extended family that is so excited for us to welcome a new member(s) of the family.
We are praying that those words, " things don't have to go as planned to be good" are true for others and especially for the woman that finds herself in a position considering adoption. Specifically we are praying that no matter the situation she finds herself in, she can be comforted with the hope that better things are coming and that she can find comfort and peace for tomorrow no matter what choice she makes.
This Adoption Bridge funding project will help offset the costs of our agency fees. All contributions will go directly to our account at Nightlight Adoptions. We are so grateful for the outpouring of love from our community thus far in our adoption journey. I can't wait to tell our child the stories of encouragement, generosity and love that preceded their arrival to our family. Thank you all, we cannot begin to express how much your prayers, generosity and support mean to our family.
Andrew & Kaylen Check out our photo book
1 Family Update
Kathy Cordova
God blessed me with a baby girl to adopt after I lost my baby. Any baby will be lucky to have you as parents. Gus bless you
Kelli Prichard
Congratulations to you both! You are an amazing team for the kingdom of God. May your growing family be abundantly blessed! Kelli
Charlene Kean
Can’t wait to meet your future sweet pea! I’ll be contributing more every month when we get paid :).
Lindsey Briare
Thanks for making a difference <3
Kim Richert
Looking forward to a new Grandchild. Any child will be lucky to have you two as parents.
We have printed our profile books and sent them to our agency's offices throughout the nation! The next steps for us are meeting families and being matched.