Finding our Missing Piece!
Amber and George
Red Wing, MN
For the better half of one year we have been praying about how we are supposed to expand our family. We have a strong desire to become parents and want to provide a happy, healthy home for a child to grow up in. We don't have any children yet and haven't tried to have biological children. Simply put, God has placed it on our hearts to be parents through adoption. We hope to have more children and provide siblings for any children we have, but right now we are focusing on adoption.
We are utilizing AdoptionBridge to assist in collecting fundraised dollars. Adoption costs add up quickly. We are asking family and friends to "purchase" a piece of a personalized puzzle and help us find the missing piece to our family (our baby!). We will write the family/friend's name on the back of the puzzle piece. When we put it together, it will be a visual representation of all the love our child has before we have even met him or her.
0 Family Updates
Megan Jensen
SO excited for you both!
Julie Roettger
We are so excited for the two of you and the little blessing that will be joining your family. Your little one will be surrounded by so much love. I was also excited, so I'm beyond excited for you guy's. God's blessings on your journey to adopt. Bob and Julie Roettger
Morgan Veld
Sydney Mason
I love you, Amber and George! I'm so excited for your journey. I can't wait to meet that special little one God has in store for your family. <3
LINDA & Goob Lowry
Thank you for allowing us to share in this journey of love, hope, dedication and family.
Alyssa Link
Scott and I are beyond thrilled for you both and can’t imagine a more loving couple for a sweet child.
Geri Eilers
Dawn and Gary High
You will be awesome parents! Thank you for letting us be part of your incredible journey.
Jamie Staples
Proud of you guys!
Branda Keehn
We’re so excited to meet your missing piece! We’ll take a puzzle piece for each of the little pieces in our family. 💕
Jeff and Shannon Hanson
Diane & Jim Teske
Thinking of you with lots of love!
Jan Aukema
Having just welcomed my 2nd grandson into the world, I am so happy to help you welcome your new addition. God bless you for your desire to share your love and home through adoption. You will be awesome parents!!
Cory Doden
Kirstin Larson
Carter and I are so happy for you both. You will make amazing parents. I was adopted myself and feel so blessed to have been given a great life. I know you both will love, support, encourage and walk with your child through life. We are so excited for the next chapter in your family! ❤
Tim Young
This is awesome! Will be praying for you all as you head down this path.
Leanne Overlander
We're in as the "Overlander Family" - Caleb, Isaac, Ashleigh, Londyn, Don & Leanne. Sooooo excited for you both!
Carolyn Setter
Matt and I are so excited for you guys! You will be great parents.
Leanne and Reggie Sikkink
We are more than happy to be a part of this beautiful journey you are taking! God bless you both!
Allison Ogren
I'm so happy for you guys! Good luck to all three of you, and I'll be praying for a smooth process for you all.
Russ and Heather (Luse) Rowley
What a sweet blessing you will be in the life of the child God has chosen for you to parent. And what a blessing he or she will be in your lives also. I know you already love the little one that will someday (maybe soon) be a treasured part of your family. May the journey be sweet and the whole process God-honoring! And may the Lord be protecting the life of your son or daughter who may already be growing within a precious woman who is choosing life for her baby!
Linda Anderson
Wishing you all the best!! You will be great parents.
Dan & Amie Teske
Michele Vais
We are so excited for your new adventure! We love you both very much! Love, Michele, Ray, Jake, & Miles
Veronica Groesbeck
wendy wandro
Prayers for you as you welcome a baby. You will be great!!! God Bless you! Wendy (and David :))
Kris Johnson
So excited for you two!
Amy Merschbrock
Congrats Team Gabrielson!!