But God
Isaiah and Mel
Bloomington, Minnesota
We are the Andersons. We have been praying God would grow our family for the past 5 years and have been given the discouraging diagnosis of "unexplained infertilty".
"But God" has been rich in mercy to us. He ended up leading us to foster care where we had 2 precious placements, one of which stayed for 22 months. We revelled in being called "mama" and "dada" however, both kids were reunited with family and we felt such a loss in our hearts and home.
"But God" has great plans for those who love Him. Our newest journey is embryo adoption and the latest statitics estimate there are over 600,000 embryos in a frozen state. We believe life starts at conception, so we are seeking the opportunity to bring that life forward. It is not a guarantee and we've been told it is only a 50% chance the embryo will implant and become a pregnancy.
"But God" will not let our faith be put to shame. Whether we are able to give birth to our adopted child or whether He calls these little ones directly to Himself, He will be honored in our care for orphans. Please join us in prayer and financially (if you are able) as we walk by faith.