Bringing Home Baby V
Jessie and Mandi
Mount Washington, Kentucky
We are Jessie & Mandi Via,
We have been together 11 years & married 6 & 1/2. We always knew we wanted to adopt, we just thought God would give us biological children first. That wasn't his plan. After trying to conceive for just over 3 years we decided to go ahead with our plans to Adopt & We proudly announced our plans in March 2013, what a beautiful plan God has had through all of our struggles... We feel so blessed to adopt & gladly scrimp and save any and every way we can. We did Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey & practice his steps but there is still a huge deficit. We have had over 15 fundraisers to help as well. God has a plan for us to be parents, we know that & trust it fully. We just need a little help!!! That is where you come in. The year is ending quickly and we know many of you like to make tax deductible donations. Every dollar helps. No amount is too small, "little is MUCH when God is in it." The old song says & we believe it. We believe according to Luke 6:38, Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give you will get back.
0 Family Updates
DJ & Tim
nichole jackson
love you and baby v
Amber Baker
Kimi bailey
Holly Lewis
Sherry Trego
Anonymous Manuel
Praying for your baby. I challenge every Manuel that has a child to donate
Tara Mear
Being able to have a child is an experience most take for granted. Seeing a couple who has the desire, discipline and patience to be parents and a true faith in God is uplifting; not to mention, motivating to others to be the best parent possible and to help in any way they can.
anonymous anonymous
Praying for y'all.
Vickie Keene
Thank you for the opportunity to help make this dream come true!
Brenda Howell
Love you guys and can't wait til baby "V" is here!
Kaley Gunter
Love you guys and praying for you and baby v.
The Conders
We love you guys!
Ashley Richardson
I know it's not much but LOVE you guys and can't wait to meet my precious niece!
Shannon Hampshire
This is the donation from Sue's Norwex party that we turned into a Fundraiser for you guys! Isn't God good!?! She did awesome and we upped the ante a little bit and we're making a $60 contribution towards your adoption. It's such a blessing to have a small part in bringing home baby V!