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Hello! We are the Breig Family. We are currently in Uganda serving as volunteers at a children's home while finalizing the adoption of our foster son. While we can't share very many details until everything is final, we can tell you that our son (8 years) loves to sing, play outside, and listen to music!! He has a known diagnosis of hydrocephalus and some noticeable speech and developmental delays, but he has grown so much since joining our family and we can't wait to watch him continue thriving in every way! He adores his little sister (biological) born in Feb, '24 and thinks it's hilarious when she spits up or makes a mess. : ) We have been living overseas without an income for over one year and up to now have been paying for the adoption out of our own personal savings. Would you consider giving towards our adoption costs? We would be so grateful and blessed by a gift of any amount. The adoption is being completed through Nightlight Christian Adoptions. All donations will go directly towards our agency fees and adoption-related expenses. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our story and consider being a part of our son's journey home. 

~ The Breig Family

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