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Our biological daughter was born in March 2017 two and half months before her due date. She weighed only 3 pounds, 4 ounces and had to stay in the hospital for 48 days. After her premature birth, we were convicted that God was leading us to grow our family through adoption rather than risking another preterm delivery. 

We hope to bring another child into our home for many reasons. Most importantly, we feel called to share our love with another child through adoption, just as we have been adopted into God's kingdom through His son Jesus. We also want our daughter to have a sibling who is close in age so they can grow up together. 

Before we tried to have a child of our own, we talked about and even began the process of adoption, but soon found out how expensive it would be and didn't feel like we were in a position to afford it. Over the last year, we became approved for a foster care placement in our state. However, we know that the ups and downs of adopting through foster care can be very challenging.

Therefore, we are concurrently pursuing private infant adoption.  Once we are matched with a child, we will owe a large portion of funds to support the birth mother and cover agency/legal costs. Additionally, we are open to adopting a drug-exposed infant and may incur extra medical costs with that scenario.  

As we eagerly await the opportunity to love and care for another child, we humbly request your financial support in our journey toward adoption. In addition to funds from family and friends, we are simultaneously pursuing adoption grants and have applied to an agency with lower overall fees. 

We're hopeful that one of these avenues of adoption will lead to our dream being fulfilled. We greatly appreciate any help you can provide, even if it's simply lifting us in prayer. Thank you for your love and support of our family!

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