$12,665 goal
$3,345 raised so far
26.4% raised
0 days to go
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Dear Family and Friends,

Hello and welcome to our page. Thank you for showing up here and joining us in finding the missing piece to complete our family. Our journey to parenthood has not been easy. We got married in 2010 and we could not wait to become parents. In 2015, after five years of unexplained infertility, we were devastated. We had experienced a miscarriage and multiple failed medical treatments including two failed IVF treatments. After a lot of prayer, we decided to begin our adoption journey. The day before we were scheduled to take our next steps, we found out we were expecting Owen! To say we were elated would be an understatement and the next nine months were filled with anxious hearts, hopeful for the future. God blessed us with the biggest surprise of our lives in 2019 when we found out our sweet Kathryn was on her way to join our family. After another nine months of waiting and praying, we met her for the first time, and we fully believed our family was complete. We were so thankful!

Fast forward to 2023, when God placed the desire in both of our hearts to grow our family again. We knew we may need medical intervention, so we did not wait, we jumped in and began fertility treatments. In May of 2023, we found out a baby was on the way, and we were elated. Soon after, we experienced yet another miscarriage. We took a few months off and then began the journey again.

In the early months of 2024, we were hit with another realization. While we were both ready to grow our family, we weren’t sure if pregnancy was the best way for us to achieve that goal. We were both feeling led to adopt, even before we talked about it to one another. A discussion later and the trajectory of our path changed. Looking back now, we realize that God has been preparing us and our hearts for this moment for a very long time, dating back to 2015! We have stopped all medical interventions and have placed our faith, hope and desires fully into our adoption process.

We have started the process of a domestic, infant adoption and have solidified our relationship with an accredited adoption agency. Our application has been accepted and we are currently working through the parent training and home study process. For full transparency, to date we have paid roughly $7,000.00 towards our adoption. Once our home study is complete, we will be asked to pay the largest part of our remaining fees. This website allows us to raise up to an estimated 1/3 of the full adoption fees which in our case totals $12,665.00, which is about the amount that we will be asked to pay in a few short months. Once the home study is completed and the invoice is paid, we will be fully able and certified to accept an infant from any of the 50 US states. Ultimately this journey is a leap of faith, the next page in our story and the path we both feel God is leading us down. We also know that anywhere God leads us, he won’t leave us. One of our favorite songs by I am They is called Make A Way, and in that song it says:

“Wherever You lead me, I know You won’t leave me

Wherever You call me, You will make a way

Wherever we’re goin’, I will be holdin’ to the promise You have made, You will make a way.”

As we pursue this journey, there are many things that we are personally doing aside from this missing piece fundraiser. We are also looking diligently at our own budget and saving anywhere we can. We will also be hosting a garage sale with all profits benefitting our adoption and will have a t-shirt fundraiser in the future. We humbly ask that you partner with us in finding our missing piece and we have identified three main ways that you can do that.

  • First and foremost, please pray. Pray for the birth parents of our future child as they pursue and make the most difficult, selfless decision they’ll ever make. Please pray for us as God continues to prepare our hearts. Furthermore, if it’s possible we desire to maintain an open relationship with the birth family ensuring our future child will grow up knowing the love that surrounds them is multiplied and not divided. Please pray specifically for that future relationship.
  • Please SHARE! We hope to showcase this journey not only in our pursuit to grow our family but also to encourage others who may be called to adopt or looking to place a child for adoption.
  • And finally, please consider partnering with us financially. We have purchased a blank puzzle. For every donation, we will write your name on a piece of our puzzle. This puzzle will ultimately be framed and will hang on the wall of our nursery as a constant reminder of the village that helped us find our missing piece. Any donations made through this site are tax-deductible and will go straight to our account at our adoption agency. 

It is our desire to share as many updates and as much information about the process as we are able to, so if you have any questions, please reach out to us!

With faith and love,

Aaron and Maddie

Ashley Fleming

So proud of you all! Don’t forget, you all are surrounded by love and support!

Bob Lesko

Prayers for you both. When the time is right, it will happen. If you need anything from me, please reach out and I’ll assist however I can. You got this!!!

Dana Weiss

Maddie and Family, Your story is just beautiful and no one deserves this more than you! Sending you all the love and luck in the world!

Brad Cecil


Mark and Shelby Brooks

Praying for you all during this journey!

Nicole Taylor

So happy for you! ❤️🧩 God has selected some of the best parents to lead to this amazing opportunity. Can’t wait to support.

Linda Greene

So proud of you Maddie !

Chelsea Buckamneer

I am so very excited for you guys and this beautiful journey you have been on. Praying for you and all the things to come!

Chelsea Buckamneer

Megan and Josh Jordan

We are so excited to watch your family grow through the beautiful calling of adoption and we are praying for you all each step of the way!


Penelope Jordan

So excited to see how your beautiful family grows and thrives! We are covering you in prayers. Love, Momma and Poppa Germ

Lindsey Turner