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Domestic Adoption


We are Seth, Laurel, and Blaise, and we live in Alabama. We know that scrolling through pages of potential parents for your little one must feel at least as strange as writing these pages in hopes of becoming parents. We are humbled by your love and your courage to push through the awkwardness to consider making a thoughtful adoption plan for your child. We want to ensure that your child has as many pieces of their story and identity as we can give them, and you will always be a huge piece of that. We pray that God leads you with His peace as you consider the best plan for your child. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us – we are excited about the possibility of starting this adventure with you!

We are in our 30’s and have been happily married for 7 years. We were initially attracted to one another because of our shared faith and mutual love of travel. Since we have been together, we have hiked Roman ruins in Turkey, celebrated New Years in NYC, and meandered through Christmas markets in Quebec. We’ve fostered three beautiful children, added our daughter, Blaise, to our family, and hosted countless dinner parties for friends. We’ve also been through difficult things – the deaths of both of our fathers, a pandemic, and trouble getting pregnant. Through it all, we have remained best friends who are still excited to do life together and to share it with our children.

Our house is located on 1.5 acres of vibrant woods off a cul-de-sac in a neighborhood atop a ridge. Just down the ridge is a quaint, walkable small town set along a beautiful river with a playground, library, sports complex, shops, and restaurants. Seth is a software engineer who works from home and Laurel is a software developer who works a hybrid schedule, so we have a lot of flexibility to prioritize our family life. In addition, Seth’s mom, Renee, lives with us in our walkout basement, so we are fortunate to have a live-in grandmother to spoil our littles!

Adoption has always been part of our plan, but we didn’t always know how or when it would happen. After being married a few years, we fostered two toddlers for a year. They gave us our first taste of being parents and after they left us, we decided we were ready to become permanent parents. We had Blaise during the pandemic, and she has proved to be a joy. We love being her parents. While trying to get pregnant again, we also fostered another baby for four months and our whole crew grew very attached to her. When she left us and we learned of some fertility problems, we knew it was time for us to pursue adoption to complete our family.

Tucked away in a fire-resistant safe of our most precious documents is a video we took while camping on a coffee plantation in Colombia when we were newly married. The video quality is poor, and our voices are constantly competing with those of tropical birds, but the message we recorded for our future kids is clear and simple: "We don't know who you are or where you will come from yet, but we already love you and are excited to show you cool places like this!" We want our family to have both big and little adventures that teach us how to be loving people. Whether we are traveling internationally or baking bread for a new neighbor, we want to train our kids to be open-minded and open-hearted and to act with courage and kindness towards themselves and others. We anticipate lots of books, laughter, music, and a very messy kitchen. Ultimately, we want to raise emotionally healthy, happy kids who are well-rounded, fun to be around, and a blessing to other people.


With much love,

Seth, Laurel, and Blaise

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